marți, 23 octombrie 2007

Cu totul împotrivă

Îmi exprim totalul dezacord cu privire la decizia europeană asupra Microsoft. Înfruptarea neputincioşilor şi frustraţilor, europeni sau world wide, de la masa celui care are. Detalii în NYT.

The European order mandates that Microsoft share its technology information on fair terms, so that competing software can work smoothly, or interoperate, with Windows desktop software. It was those terms of interoperability that will be much more favorable to Microsoft competitors, so that the company’s dominance in product cannot thwart competition in another, closely related software market.

Accesul aproape gratuit (If competitors want to license Microsoft’s patents, they must pay a per-unit royalty of 0.4 percent!! of the value of the product sold. Microsoft had originally demanded 5.95 percent of sales as royalties) la proprietatea intelectuală a Microsoft (sau a oricărei alte companii de top), stabilit de o Curte care dă de pomană piticilor IT mă înfurie la culme. Dar cine-s eu să mă agit cu oarecare folos?!

Microsoft Concedes in European Antitrust Case