miercuri, 23 mai 2018

The Kind Of Person I Am - Philip Roth

"I decided that I was done with fiction. I don't want to read any more of it, write any more of it, and I don't even want to talk about it anymore. ... I no longer feel this dedication to write what I have experienced my whole life." (Philip Roth, 2012) 
"He was such a driven perfectionist, so when he felt his power ebbing, he wanted to quit at the top of his game, and he did." (CNN - Judith Thurman, prietenă
"From the beginning of his long and celebrated career, Philip Roth's fiction has often explored the human need to demolish, to challenge, to oppose, to pull apart," the Pulitzer committee said when it awarded him the prize two decades ago for American Pastoral. (CNN
"At a certain point in Roth’s career—say, with American Pastoral, which came out in 1997, when he was 64—the youthful incendiary began to be walled up inside the great man of letters. He became a figure to give prizes to—all except the Nobel, which he surely deserved if anyone did. (...) But it does Roth a disservice to read him as an established figure, safe inside Library of American covers. He was a dangerous writer, one to wrestle with and argue about, not to calmly praise. For the readers of the future, the books will always be there like sticks of dynamite, ready to blow up complacency and moralism. The books are still alive." (The Atlantic)

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